In the first case we speak of rich dishes that were served in the sumptuous banquets of the court as chocolate, zabaione , the boiled mix and fried mix etc ...
Instead derived from traditional country recipes made with simple ingredients like panissa, bagna caoda, the finanziera, etc ...
The two souls of Piedmont, Savoy Court of the rich and the poor farmers have contributed both to the wide variety of recipes from the Piedmont.
It is almost impossible to talk about recipes of Piedmont without tie them to the territories that make up this region of north-west.
A culinary journey in Piedmontese cuisine thus brings us through the rolling hills of the Langhe, home of hazelnuts, truffles and great wines.
Through the vast plains of Vercelli, Biella and Novara kingdom of rice, the main ingredient of risotto, and panissa or paniscia.
To tap the rugged slopes of the Alps, where local minorities of Waldenses or Walser gave the Piedmontese cuisine traditional recipes of great value as the Waldensians soup, the cagliette the pirrubangada, etc. ...
Not to mention the areas of lakes and rivers where you can taste excellent fish like tench hump Pianalto, dop.
A special mention goes to the cheese, in Piedmont they are more than 60 types from the freshest tomini the most seasoned as the buzz or the gorgonzola.
The recipes of Piedmont are known for their strong flavors. The garlic and anchovy flavour of Bagna caoda or pungent aroma of white truffles of the Langhe accompanying tajarin.
Many historical recipes were born in Turin and then spread throughout Italy and even the world as the recipe for breadsticks, or that of Mombaruzzo amaretti.
Fortunately, in recent years are rediscovering forgotten ingredients and traditional recipes for a long time like the Hunchback of Nizza Monferrato thistle, leek or Cervere or gofri.
This site tries to go in this direction, discovering the recipes of Piedmont, which helped form the Piedmontese food culture over the years.
Bon voyage on